I am trying to prepare myself for the new school year. Here is a list of priorities...
1. Make sure classroom is clean and organized.... with all excess piles of "stuff" cleared away.
2. Put together and label items for students: cubbies, tool kits, seating arrangements, etc.
3. Get "Back to School" bulletin board ready.
4. Learn more about new Language Arts curriculum.... especially phonics component.
5. Figure out if any changes will need to be made to my schedule to effectively use new language arts program and also more "Words Their Way" activities. Print out new lesson plan pages if necessary.
6. Get "RESULTS" assessment binder prepared.
7. Choose first 2 weeks theme... will we do "Bearly Beginning" again or should we change?
8. Try to figure out how to more effectively use the yucky old Math Program we adopted.
9. Buy the new stuff you need, but make sure to get reimbursed right away before budgets are frozen or eliminated.
10. Look at FOSS science and see where the unit on "Trees to Paper" will fit with new Language Arts curriculum.