Monday, September 8, 2008
First Fingerpainting
I try to incorporate painting... especially fingerpaiting...early in the year. Some children (especially those who didn't go to preschool) have never actually had a chance to slime their fingers around in paint!!
For this project, I just had pieces of fingerpaint paper (you can use regular paper if it's all you have, but fingerpaint paper is better because it's slick!) cut into pieces about 6 x 8 inches for each child. I also put a 9 x 12 piece of scratch paper underneath to try to reduce the mess on the tables. The students get to choose 2 colors of paint from the apple spectrum (like yellow and red or green and yellow). I give a big blob of the first color they say, then a little dot of the second color they say right onto the paper. Their job is to cover the entire page.
When the pages are dry I just freehand cut the apples about 3-4 at a time into an apple shape. If you don't want to freehand cut, you could use a template to make them all perfect. I like them to be a little imperfect. I call it whimsical. :-)
I add a stem, write the student's name with a really fat tipped black marker and staple them up on the tree.
My favorite is Joaquin's. You can see his handprint right on it.
Your right, Joaquin's is great! Did you have this up this morning?...because I totally didn't see it. I just love an apple's so fall-y and reminds me of cool weather and beautiful oranges and reds. It just brings a smile to my face :)